期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:key words: learning photography web based e-learning, macromediadreamweaver mx, phpmysqlABSTRACT :In scientific writing, the writer discusses the making Fotographi elearning webusing html and php in Dreamweaver MX application which is a script for aserver-based programming. The discussion begins by introducing the Internetand Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, how the shape and structure of thelanguage. HTML is a standard form for the content and appearance in theWWW pages. HTML begin and end with a command that is standard, calledTag. Between these two tags have the values and attributes. Tags describe eachelement in the web such as text, images or tables, HTML itself is, is a plain textdocument in an easy to understand compared to other programming languages.Hypertext in HTML means that we can go to a place, eg a website or other homepage by selecting a link is usually underlined or represented by an image..Making elearning photographi website using HTML and PHP in DreamweaverMX application displays Fotographi website that presents information containedin the book, e-learning website Fotographi promote via the internet to facilitatethe readers to get information about photographi.