期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Abstract|Infant Incubator Prototype Tool BasedMicrocontroller ATMega 8535 Maulana Jayadi Un-dergraduate Program, 2011 Gunadarma Universityhttp://www.gunadarma.ac.id Key Words: Temperature,Humidity, UV lamp, infant incubator ABSTRACT :Increasing rapidly on technological development of greathelp in developing the progress of obstetricians in thehospital medical equipment. In this case, infant incubatoris a closed container that the temperature and humiditysettings can be set automatically and are useful to warmthe baby's body temperature. In this case, designeda portable incubator babies are easy to carry around -which is particularly useful for rural residents away fromthe hospital. In this portable infant incubator requires astable humidity in the incubator so that the condition ismaintained in accordance with the set point. Based onthe reference, the temperature of babies born prematurelyshould be maintained at a temperature of 35 C - 37 Cand humidity in the range 85