期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Latest learning this is a site that was built in the local scope. Top Learning Sitesis in turn expected to help the spread of lectures to the students, so the spurstudents to learn the material at the same time i can follow the Latest quiz.Through this site users can access the information. So that the resultinginformation has a dynamic appearance and to produce a dynamic display of thisprogram is used PHP and MySQL as the database. PHP is a server-sidelanguage designed specifically for web applications. PHP is also a scriptinglanguage used to create dynamic web pages. Dynamic means that pages will bedisplayed when the page was requested by the client. While MySQL is one typeof database servers, including the type of RDBMS (Relational DatabaseManagement System). Both can be connected to one another in order to supportgood information processing.