期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Practicum is part of the teaching-learningprocess, especially for a programmingmaterial, in this case is the programmingmaterial C++. In general, practicumconducted in a laboratory which has beenprovided, and there are some assistantsand tutors. However, with the rapiddevelopment of internet technology andthe existence of some problems(constraints), allowing for thedevelopment of practical systems that arerunning a web-based practicum or calledVirtual Laboratory. This virtual laboratorybuilt using the PHP programminglanguage and MySQL.Virtual laboratory is designed to provide apreliminary test, providing trainingprograms that are performed step by step,and final tests. In addition, this virtuallaboratory has the facility to compile aweb-based for practical programmingC++. Those facilities are located in thetutorial, which at the time of providingtraining programs, user can immediatelyrun the program code without having toopen another application.