期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:The monthly process of information management in human resources which includes allpersonnel transactions, ranging from new employees documentation, employeeturnover, paid leave, violations, promotion, demotion, to the payroll exploits anenormous amount of data. Retrieving data for report creation might take great quantity oftime. The purpose of this research is to create a data mart, which is expected to quicklyand accurately generate data in accordance with the desired criteria, Data Mart in thisstudy is created using the DTS (Data Transformation Services) facility in SQL Server2000 environment. The Data Mart development starts with the process of extraction,transformation, to the loading process. The application used for accessing the data martis developed using Visual Basic 6.0. The data mart consists of 12 tables: Personnel_info,Address, Masa_bakti, Turn_over, Emp_position, Unit_dinas, Unit_bidang, Unit_seksi,Pers_action, Award, Violation, Leave, Absence, Allowance, and Salary tables.Snowflake model is adopted for data model in this research since there are some tableswhose primary key dimension does not serve as foreign key in the fact table, but asforeign key in another table dimension. There are 5 fact tables: the award, personalaccess, violation, leave, and payroll. The application provides the main menu whichcontains: Add Password, Change Password, Validation of Employees Personal, Address,Position, Length of Employment Data, Data entry of Employee Personnel Action andLeave, Validation of Payroll Data, Browse Personnel Information, Leave Administration,Payroll Data, Criteria of Sum of Employee, Award, Violation, Reports, Personnel Action,Leave and Payroll. Main menu consists of File, Entry Data, Browse Data, Chart and AboutMenu