摘要:The banking sector is one indicator of a country's economic condition, if thebanking sector is strong, then it could be said the country's economy is relativelygood and stable. Vice versa to see whether the economy is good or not, can beseen from the health condition of banks in the country. Bank Indonesia hasissued a decree BI No.30/11/KEP/DIR 30 April 1997 concerning procedures forRating Bank. To measure the health level of Bank Mandiri, the use of financialratio analysis with a minimum of five aspects, namely covering CAR Capital,Assets Quality, including APYD and PPAP, Profitability who include ROA andROA, Liquidity, including LDR, and Compliance including PDN. From theanalysis results can be known that the rating of Bank Mandiri in 2003 with thetitle of "Simply Healthy" and in 2004 also received the title "Simply Health.