摘要:Feasibility of a business enterprise is a study about whether a project can(usually an investment project) carried out with the results, the bias-shapedobjects observed massive project or a simple project. Knowing the feasibility ofa business is a basic pertimbanagan in starting a business activity. In this casethe researchers wanted to know exactly the planting of investment in cultivatingfreshwater crayfish which is run in 2008 is feasible or not when viewed from theaspects of feasibility studies such as market aspects, technical aspects, legalaspects, social aspects of culture, aspects and management aspects financial.From the aspects that were examined, particularly the financial aspects are theresult of calculation by using the methods of Capital Budgeting Payback Period7.11 months obtained results, faster than the economic life of the business for 12months. Net Present Value Method to produce USD 5,423,924 which means thatare positive.. Method Internal Rate of Return of 47.2% which means greaterthan the deposit interest rate which has been determined that 6%. Decisions canbe taken from the conclusion above is feasible to be implemented this business.