摘要:The more rapidly growing company in Indonesia makes a company competingon getting profits. In taking into account necessary accounting as the basis forthe calculation of income and disbursements. Usually growing companyworking with banks, these banks function receives corporate earnings. After thecompany's revenue is transferred to a designated bank then deposits thecompany also recorded income of the company. To avoid mistakes in recording,periodically testing the truth needs to be done daily and monthly to reconcilecash records according to the company with cash records according to the bank.This process is called Reconciliation. Reconciliation was first performed in thecommercial section of the match TUL V-04 with CN (credit note), aiming toensure repayment of balance. Once reconciliation is done between thecommercial with the financial section with a road match the balance TUL V-04with newspaper accounts held by financial section. The next step is to performreconciliation between the financial accounting section of the road match thebank's general ledger balances with bank account statements to prove the truthand book-keeping.