摘要:Human resource audit is a systematic examination and assessment, objective anddocumented on the organizational functions that are affected by human resourcemanagement with the aim of ensuring the fulfillment of the principle ofappropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of refineries and human resourcesto support the achievement of functional goals and objectives of the organizationas a whole better for the medium term, and long term. PT employeeperformance appraisal. Technical Inspektindo markers were measured byquestionnaires and competency training. All data were analyzed using OpenStatprogram. Simple linear regression equation that is formed is Y = 6, 45 .92 X,which means without the training and competence, then the performance ofemployees of PT. Technical Inspektindo markers of 6.45 and any increase intraining and competence of the employees at the companys performance willalso be increased by 0.92 Effect of training on employee performance andcompetence contained within these companies amounted to 64%, while the restinfluenced by other factors... This also shows that the effect of training onemployee performance and competence have been effective.