摘要:In the normal production, each company or organization with limited resources,both limited in number or capacity of raw materials, machinery and equipment,space, labor, working hours, capital and consumer demand. With this limitationthe company needs to plan a strategy that can optimize the results to beachieved, such as maximum profit or minimum cost. The purpose of scientificwriting is to find the optimal combination of products and also the maximumprofit that can be obtained by Aldi Cottage Donuts. The author conducted asurvey directly to the company Aldi Cottage Donuts to get the necessary data.Variables used in scientific writing is donut flavor beans (X1), the taste ofcheese (X2), taste of chocolate (X3), and taste sprinkle (X4).. From thecalculation, the authors collect and analyze data on the production of four typesof products in March 2008. From the result, obtained by combination of fourtypes of donut donut taste that is by producing as many as 1375 fruits nuts,donuts taste as many as 305 pieces of cheese, a chocolate donut as much as 2000pieces, and sprinkles donut taste of fruit in 1333. Maximum level of profitsderived by an enterprise is Rp.1 Cottage Donuts Aldi. 732 820, - each aone-time production.