摘要:Key to the success of a business can not be separated from how far the companyis able to give satisfaction to the consumer. Measuring the level of satisfaction isvery important to know how the public views the company. PT.Alfa Mart is acompany engaged in fulfillment of the goods of daily needs of the community.Actually, PT. Alfa Mart has made the election system point to the respondents toprovide value for PT.Alfa Mart itself by giving two options are words satisfiedand dissatisfied. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine to whatdegree the level of customer satisfaction with aspects of product, facilities andservices provided by PT. Alfa Mart. PT. Alfa Mart has a building area of 10 x12 m2 with hiring six employees. The research was conducted by questionnairesurvey method is provided which consists of a set of questions that are presentedto be answered and to be used as primary data.. Research done by givingquestionnaires to 50 respondents, with the characteristics of respondentsconsisted of mostly women (66%) and men (34%), aged between 15 and 35years average working as a housewife with income ranging between Rp 500 000up to USD 1 million. Questionnaire results showed that the services obtained thehighest value of 154.8, and then facility occupies the second highest score with avalue of 142, and get the lowest value of products with a value amounting to121.75. This means that based on a survey conducted on 50 respondents,ranking their satisfaction satisfied by the service (1), facilities (2), and products(3).