摘要:This scientific writing about the Feasibility Study of Business EstablishmentRestaurant Ayam Bakar Adhara In Meruya Alfa Supermarket Cafeteria.Because the feasibility study is a very important aspect in terms of theestablishment or development of a business. The feasibility study is a study oflearning about the feasibility of a business can be established or developed. Inthis context, the writer wanted to know the various aspects of a feasibility studyon the business establishment Chicken Restaurant Supermarket Fuel Adhara InCafeteria Alfa Meruya and business feasibility is carried out. Those aspects ofthe market and marketing aspects, technical aspects and operations management,legal and social aspects, environmental aspects and financial aspects.. Theoutcome of Capital Budgeting Payback Period method of obtaining the results ofa year 7 months 2 days, faster than the economic life of the business for twoyears. Net Present Value (NPV) is positive, ie USD 1,311,125, ProfitabilityIndex (PI) greater than 1.00 is 1:07 states that every USD 1 invested generateUSD 1:07 and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is worth 16.34% , is greaterthan a predetermined interest rate is 11%.