摘要:Currently, the goal for-profit company registration - magnitude is not relevantanymore. Relevant objective is to maximize the value of a company which isreflected in the prices of shares outstanding in the market. Additionally, todetermine the success in achieving these goals can use the method of EconomicValue Added (EVA). This research is a case study on the telecommunicationscompany PT. TELKOM, Tbk with the title "Financial PerformanceMeasurement Analysis Using Economic Value Added (EVA) at PT. TELKOM,Tbk. The aim is to determine the application of EVA as a measure of financialperformance at PT. TELKOM Tbk. From the results of the EVA analysis, thecompany is able to create added value each year, from 2003 until the year 2007.EVA highest of the year 2007 is Rp. EVA 11,949,000,000,000 and the lowestoccurred in 2003, ie Rp. 5,577,000,000,000.