摘要:Customer satisfaction is feeling happy or disappointed someone as a result ofthe comparison between the achievements or products are perceived andexpected. Quality of services is the expected level of excellence and control overthe level of excellence to meet the customer. In connection with the above writeris interested to analyze the level of consumer satisfaction in terms of pricing,payment, and services, the authors also want to know what variables that affectthe level of customer satisfaction. Data collection methods used were based onquestionnaire and interview research directly to consumers. After analyzing thedata obtained from the results of the questionnaire conducted on Dealer "IndoSakti Motor" yields the following conclusion: From the fourth dimension thingrealibility there is a set price, the payment process, the requirements in obtainingcredit facilities and the process of mail - letters 30.76%. From Responsivenessdimension there are three things: punctuality, provision of information clearlyand react quickly to customer complaints 23.07%. From there Assurancedimension two things: the friendly service and employee knowledge skills15.38%. From there Emphaty dimension two things: an accurate and responsiveservice and effective communication 15.38%. From there Tangible dimensiontwo things: space and parking area design which provided 15.38%. Based on theanalysis of hypothesis test results are obtained with Ha accepted the conclusionsof the Chi Square value of 58.07 is greater than 23.542 table value is meanconsumers are satisfied with the service motorcycle sales in the Dealer "IndoSakti Moto.