摘要:To increase sales turnover, other than cash sales also held sales held ininstallments. Installment sales are sales made by agreement, whereby the sellerreceives payment (down payment) and the remainder can be paid in severalinstallments over a few months or few years gradually. To calculate the amountof interest used different methods at the same interest rate. The method used isthe method of the remaining contract price (flats), Long End Interest ratemethod, the method and the Short End Interest Anuitet method. Methoddetermined the size of a flat rate by companies and interest rates are usuallyexpressed as an annual interest rate that does not depend on the size of theinterest rate on the market and are usually fixed amounts. Interest End of LongMethod interest calculated from the remaining contract price for the installmentperiod. While the method is effective Anuitet rate and actual interest prevailingin the market and tend to change according to the interest rate on the market. PT.Summit Oto Finance in the interest calculation method remaining installmentsales contract price (flat). the method used was appropriate, because the amountof income received more profitable.