摘要:ABSTRACT :The increasing number of needs for goods and services today's highlyvaried, and also the development of a more modern era sparked many producersand companies to strive to meet the needs of consumers. And in principle, everymanufacturer or the company would want to gain maximum advantage forsurvival and development company. Therefore if you want to obtain the desiredbenefits, depending on the company itself, what will be offered to consumers,both from the quality of its products, as well as from his service to theconsumer. Success or failure of a store does not matter how much themanufacturer or the company can satisfy the customer. The main objective ofthis scientific survey is to determine customer satisfaction with servicesprovided by Fresh Fruit Shop Fress Margonda.. In processing data, the authoruses the method of analysis tools with Chi Square. Based on the analysis resultsobtained by chi square (? 2) count = 247 is greater than chi square (? 2) table =18.549. So Ho refused and Ha is received, which means that consumers aresatisfied with the services provided by Fresh Fruit Shop Fress Margonda