摘要:Companys performance reflects the performance achieved by the companywithin a certain time. Because the indicator is net income, as fringe benefits toinvestors, came the so-called concept of Economic Value Added (EVA).Economic Value Added (EVA) is a way to assess financial performance. EVA isan indicator of the existence of additional value of an investment. Positive EVAindicates that the management company managed to increase the value of thecompany in accordance with the objectives of financial management. Thepurpose of this study was to assess the resulting EVA PT. Indofood SuksesMakmur, Tbk in 2006 2008 in the conventional method. After doing thisresearch, we can conclude PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk already have agood financial performance, this is due to EVA which tend to increase in theyears 2006 and 2007.