摘要:In installment sales, there are four methods of interest installment sales,including methods Time Contract Price, Interest End Long method, the methodof Short End Interest, Annuitet method. Of the four methods, will produce anumber of advantages of different flowers. Determination method of installmentselling interest in a company will affect the size of the interest benefits to bereceived by the company. PT. STA is one company engaged in credit financingmotorcycles and cars. The method used is a method of finance institutionsAnnuitet on installment sales. Therefore, the author tries to analyze and comparethe installment sales calculation used by PT. Adira with the three other methods.From the analysis of calculation and comparison of the installment sale methodcan be concluded, that the method is more advantageous annuitet dibandikanwith other methods. So the method annuitet profitable for both parties. In thiscase the seller or the buyer. That way, companies can attract customers.Growing number of companies that stood in the field of finance, competition isgetting tighter. Therefore, companies must be able to give great customerkeutungan also PT. Adira Finance itself. Not just merely looking for profit.