摘要:Analysis of Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, and Activity as a reference thatcan be used to evaluate the performance of a company at a certain period, thereare several ways to use them using the ratio determined by the company. Incalculating this ratio, it can be seen circumstances the company's financialperformance is good or vice versa. Financial statement analysis is done bymeasuring the ratio between the ratios used from year to year to determineprogress. In writing this scholarly analysis, the authors divide the company'sfinancial ratios into four ratio is the ratio of liquidity, solvency, profitability andactivity ratio. Liquidity ratio describes the company's ability to repay maturingdebt, the solvency ratio describes the ability of the company paid long-term debtand short-term, the profitability ratio explains about the company's ability togenerate profit and activity ratio is a ratio to measure how far the effectivenessof the company in working on the source of funds. While the financialstatements and balance sheets used are income during the years 2004 to2006. From the results of calculations and ratio analysis of company financialstatements, we can conclude that either the company or the conditions of thepoor in that year.