摘要:Key Words : INFLUENCE OF PROMOTION COSTSABSTRACT :Lifebuoy soap is one of the leading products of PT. UNILEVER in the field ofgoods? Groceries? Days such as detergents, food and cosmetics products, toachieve the desired result of PT. UNILEVER should not cost you a bit to dopromotions that can support the improvement efforts. To find out the cost ofLifebuoy soap promotion at PT. UNILEVER can increase sales or not, thenanalyzed. The analysis used is regression analysis, where y = 646.75 + 0.36 x,which indicates that the company will have sales results for 646.75 if withoutany promotion. And the sales will increase for any changes in campaign costs 1unit will be followed by a change in the sales results of 0.36. And correlation r =0.98, which means close to 1. Thus the relationship between two variables x(cost of promotion) and y (the sale) is the same direction, very strong andpositive. While the coefficient of determination or r = 0.9604 = 96.04%. Itmeans contribution from the cost factor to the sales promotion is the remaining96.04% influenced by other factors such as taste, price, and the level ofsatisfaction.