摘要:ABSTRACT :Employees Cooperative Kentucky Fried Chicken (K2KFC) was establishedsolely to enhance kesejahtraan member and not an institution that is a business..So in this research is worded, how is procedure division SHU on each K2KFC'SCo-op member? With take Co-op research object Fires An Employee kentuckyFried Chicken (K2KFC) one that gets home office at Jl MT Haryono thisJakarta, expected to give science to society by and large and kentucky FriedChicken's employee in particular that borrow money / fund from K2KFC moreadvantages than borrow money / fund at Bank,. since gotten by conclusion ofresult already been done that Net Income division (SHU) on co-op Fires AnEmployee kentucky Fried Chicken (K2KFC) started by Member AnnualMeeting (Governing Endorsed reporting So Long And Formation NewAdministrator) new then Net Income percentage already in meets will bedebitted to account each member on next moon coincides by wages acceptance.In this case writer give that tips management's party a cooperative society moreenergetic again look for that active member SHU that accepted gets more a lotof again and also expand network by opens more a lot of again region co-op