摘要:ABSTRACT :As of this writing is to assess the financial health of companies in PT MetrodataElectronics Tbk. which berudul Financial Statement Analysis To AssessFinancial Health In. Metrodata Electronics Tbk. Years 2005-2006 using the ratioof the liquidity ratio analysis to determine a company's ability to meet its shortterm obligations to, the solvency ratio to determine the ability of companies tomeet both short-term obligations and long-term profitability ratio to determineits ability to generate income. By using these analysis tools can know how farthe company is able to meet their obligations. Hence from the analysis offinancial reports on PT. Metrodata Electronics Tbk.. In the solvency ratio isconsidered good because the company is able to meet the long-term liabilities ondebt over assets ratio, debt ratio on capital, but the ratio of fixed assets withlong-term debt ratio is still low and corporate profitability is considered good, itcan be seen from the ROE, which shows the and ROA increase despite the drop,but still able to generate profits. From this analysis we can conclude that thecompany's financial health is good enough liquidity because the company stillhas the ability to pay its liabilities and the company is able to generate profits