摘要:Measuring customer satisfaction is an activity that plays an important role inorder to succeed in the business for the current competition. Measuringcustomer satisfaction is the perfect venue for business owners and employees.And in the end the effort to ensure the comfort and quality of customer order isupgraded. How to measure such as this, could accurately determine how well werun it and what action should be undertaken to meet customer satisfaction. If thecustomer can feel the satisfaction that high then customers will be consumerswho remain loyal to the menu and there on the ice drinks Margonda pocong inthe region. The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of customersatisfaction in the region drink pocong ice Margonda. The analysis method is theLikert scale and Chi Square.. Can be concluded that the customer was satisfiedwith the product side, in terms of facilities, and sgi services provided byBeverage Ice Pocong in Regions Margonda. So be aware that products,facilities, and service is very influential on the level of customer satisfaction.