摘要:ABSTRACT :Working Capital Management Company is the total setting and the number ofeach component of Working Capital Expenditure. It is required to support theassets. It is clarified in this scientific research with the title Analysis onSpending Capital Work Method in PD. INTAN. The aim of this research is tofind out what the method used by PD. INTAN and to find out the streng and theweakness of each method. The conclusion is PD.INTAN has not used specialmethods yet in spending the Capital Works. While the results obtained from thecalculation of 3 Method Expenditure (Aggressive, Conservative, Trade Off)used PD. INTAN financial data in 2005, placing Aggressive Methods to lowestcost producer of Profit and Risk is also high. Conservative generates high costs,whereas low risk and profit. And Trade Off Method with Cost, Profit and Riskis located between the two previous methods. So each method has advantagesand disadvantages. The use of different methods by the company depends on thecondition of it.