摘要:finance at PT Aqua Golden Mississippi Tbk. for the period 2003 -2006, and toknow how big influence. Writing methods conducted by the research literature,by reading and studying bukubuku, catatab lectures related to the object ofresearch suggested by the authors. The author uses data obtained from theresearch object www.yahoofinance website, as well as www.idx.co.id. comConclusion of the study was based on the coefficient value for Profitabilityratios have relationships that are not unidirectional and weak while the PriceEarning Ratio has a direction and a weak relationship. Earning Per Share has adirection and a weak correlation to the stock price. Based on the resultingdeterminant coefficient indicates that the profitability ratio, Earning Per Shareand Price Earning Ratio influence on stock prices, but weak. While for EarningPer Share and Price earnings ratio, H0 is accepted, which means there issignificant correlation between them with stock price changes in PT AquaGolden Mississippi Tbk. for the period 2003-2006.