摘要:For economic development and regional development banks as a necessaryinstitution of reliable financial institution community. Most local governmentsin Indonesia have their respective regional bank known as the RegionalDevelopment Banks. Regional Development Bank is expected by the regionalgovernment as one of the machines that can improve the local economy. With apolicy of regional autonomy led to a huge flow of funds into the region. Theflow of funds into these areas is an alternative funding source that can beutilized by the Regional Development Banks. To see the relationship betweenlocal government with the Regional Development Banks in financial terms it isnecessary to study towards the effect of financial conditions Pemermtah regionwith assets of regional banks. Regional financial variables used are GrossDomestic Product (GDP), investment and income per capita gross provincialareas. In this study conducted a discussion about the influence of these variableson the regional financial condition of the financial condition of the RegionalDevelopment Banks. By knowing the variables that affect the financialcondition of the financial condition of the Regional Development Banks, theRegional Development Banks can take steps to improve its performance and amore active role in regional development.