摘要:ABSTRACT :Human resources are important assets in an organization, because it candetermine whether or not the organization's success in facing the challenges ofglobal business, and therefore to achieve national development goals need tomobilize all available resources including human resources. The ability ofemployees as human resources within a firm presence is very importantsignificance for improving the productivity of employees working in corporateenvironments. Job satisfaction associated tarhadap employee productivity due tojob satisfaction can shape expectations about the consequences that will arisefrom the work he had done so they would work harder and will have an impacton work productivity. Objects in this study are employees of PT Bank NegaraIndonesia (Persero). Main Page Daan Branch Office in Jakarta.. The researchmethod used by writer is descriptive method. Analysis tools used in this studyare Spearman rank correlation and simple regression with the aid of SPSS 17.0computer program applications. From the results of the study using Spearmanrank correlation can be seen that the relationship between job satisfaction onemployee productivity has a correlation coefficient equal to 0676, while theresults of the study using a simple regression shows that job satisfaction (x) hasan influence on employee productivity (Y) with coefficients determination equalto 0585. and the equation of the regression line of job satisfaction on employeeproductivity is Y (labor productivity) = 1715 0.585x (job satisfaction).