摘要:The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the Regional DomesticProduct Bruto (GDP), Investment and per Capita Gross Income distributed bythe Bank of Credit and Regional Development what is the most dominantvariable influence. Scientific writing is to discuss the influence of GDP,Investment and Income Level Per Capita against creditors of RegionalDevelopment Banks (BPD) and the influential variables of GDP, Rate PerCapita Income Investments and loans extended to the Regional DevelopmentBanks (BDP). The study was conducted by analyzing the relationship betweenGDP, Investment and Income Level Per Capita financial condition of RegionalDevelopment Banks (BPD) throughout Indonesia. Variable Gross RegionalDomestic Product (GDP), investment rate and the level of provincial grossincome per capita in the region each BPD operation based on the CentralStatistics Bureau in 2006.