摘要:PT. Mustika Ratu is a company engaged in the industrial sector, cosmetics,herbal medicine and herbal drinks. In the course of its many similar competitorsin the market who try to undermine the Queen PT.Mustika position in themarket. Therefore PT.Mustika queen always tried to improve its sales volumefrom year to year, which accompanied the increase in activity promoion.theproblem is very interesting to do research. The purpose of this research is to findout how much relations campaign costs in increasing sales volume. based on asimple regression calculation can be seen that Y = 8.89 2.7 x. This means thatif there is no promotional costs incurred by the sales volume will increase by8.89. While the regression coefficient of promotional costs (independentvariable) that is worth 2.7 has a positive nature for the volume of sales.. Usingcorrelation analysis found the correlation coefficient of 0.91 or 91%. Thiscondition indicates that between the cost of promotion and sales in the samedirection have a positive relationship with a significant level of closeness. Andby calculating the coefficient of determination and nondeterminasi known thatpromotion costs have contributed in increasing sales by 82% and the rest 18%influenced by other factors, whether included in the controllable anduncontrollable. Hypothesis testing showed the value of T calculated at 4.775 and2.571 for the T table. Because the calculated value of T greater than T table thenthe hypothesis which states that there is a significant relationship betweenpromotion costs with sales results are correct.