摘要:Key Words : CASH RESERVE SYSTEM, savings and loans UNIT,EMPLOYEES COOPERATIONABSTRACT :Employees Cooperation at PT. Indomobil Suzuki International Cakung has threeunits namely the activities of primary units, secondary units and units of savingsand loans. This cooperation gets income from cash sales of primary goods,credit sales of goods and of secondary units in the form of savings and loansfrom the loan services employee. This writing aimed to know the system of cashreceipts from savings and loans unit used by the Cooperative Employees PT.Indomobil Suzuki International Cakung. The methods used in this study wereinterviews, observation and documentation. From the work of the practice it isknown that the revenue system employees cooperation at PT. Indomobil SuzukiInternational Cakung has been going well and appropriate, and it can be seenfrom the procedure that the procedure used in making accountability report Cashreceipts from Unit Savings and Loan Cooperatives Employees at PT. IndomobilSuzuki International Cakung of voluntary savings deposit slips, receipts, cashreceipt, ledger books and records as voluntary savings is in accordance with asystem run by the Cooperative Employees PT. Indomobil Suzuki InternationalCakung.