摘要:Scientific writing is made to determine the effect of service and facilities to thelevel of customer satisfaction. To obtain the data accurate to use thequestionnaire method by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents andusing the chi square test. As for the writing of this scientific objectives were todetermine the influence of services and facilities to customer satisfaction in theASTRO COMPUTER. In accordance with the calculation of chi-square test canbe concluded that customer satisfaction in terms of services through 5 (five)dimensions, dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, confidence, empathy, andtangible overall customer satisfaction is expressed as the average calculatedvalue of chi-square greater the chi square table that has the value 9:48. And interms of facilities through tangible dimension as a whole expressed satisfactionthat the chi-square value of 316.51 is greater than the chi-square table for 9:48.