摘要:In the face of competition a business must have tips that can differentiate itselffrom competitors competitors. One way is to provide a service that can makecustomers satisfied or satisfied all his needs. In business-sales service of Toyotathe most important factor is to provide satisfaction to customers. Becausecustomer satisfaction is what will be the attraction of the business so thatcustomers become loyal to that company. The main objective of other researchin the framework of Scientific Writing is to know the level of customersatisfaction and service to the Workshop Page. Setiajaya Mobilindo Depok. Theanalysis method is the measurement Linkert scale and Chi Square. Where in thisanalysis used the five critical dimensions that affect customer service whichconsists of the dimensions of Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Tangibleand Emphaty.. And with the Chi Square analysis showed that count of the fivedimensions of the Chi Square value of 28.62 count is greater than table ChiSquare of 26.29 with a real level 5%, so that Ho refused and Ha is receivedwhich states that customers are satisfied with the overall dimensions There onthe Workshop Page. Setiajaya Mobilindo Depok.