摘要:ABSTRACT :Anwars Catering is a home industry business units engaged in catering services.Scientific writing is entitled Expansion of Fixed Assets Investment AnalysisAnwars Catering. This research aims to find out the decisions taken by theowner Anwars Catering to stick with the current operational capacity or toinvest in expansion in order to meet the increasing demand for sausage productssolo, arem-arem, risol, pastels and bakwan Sukatani and surrounding areas. Theanalysis tools are capital budgeting. After calculation, the conclusion that theexpansion of fixed asset investment in the form of gas stoves, Teflon, fryingpan, saucepan, pots and cooking utensils are acceptable because it wouldgenerate profit after depreciation and tax of two hundred and fifty-two rupiah,the investment will return within two bulah seven days, the net cash inflow ofseven hundred twenty one thousand ninety three rupiah