摘要:As a financial institution, the bank needs to consider the soundness of the bank.If a bank is not able to meet its obligations to customers, in other words that donot have liquid funds, or if the condition of a bank does not comply with therequirements established by the government, the bank can be declared unfit.And the reason it is also the author conducted this research. By knowing thevalue of the ratio of CAMEL, CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), BDR (Bad DebtRatio), CAD (Reserve Assets classified), Management, ROA (Return On Asset),ROA (Operating Expenses to Operating Income), then we can know whether thebank concerned has increased and decreased, healthy or unhealthy in the periodspecified. After analyzing the writer can draw the conclusion that the Bank hasbeen operating well, this can be seen from the results that have been obtainedbased on each CAMEL component.