摘要:Inventory control of raw materials a company can be assessed using severalways, one using the EOQ method. Inventories for the company is very importantthere should be a balance between maintaining appropriate inventory levels withthe effect on corporate finances, particularly regarding the budget for theprovision of materials. Inventory control is an activity determines the level ofinventory to be maintained, when orders must be done to increase supplies andhow many orders should be made. Through scientific writing, the writer wantedto know the economic inventories in 2005-2006, to calculate the total cost ofinventory in a year, and determine the frequency of the PT Kuta Batureservation, so the company can determine what steps should be taken to controlthe firm's inventory. Based on the results of processing of data obtained by theauthor, then the conclusion can be drawn, namely: The EOQ method hasoccurred meni cost savings amounting to USD 178,500.75 and varnishes USD164 100 and the frequency of ordering as many as four times as much as 345 kgfor iron and 300 kg for the varnish. Results of acquisition lead time of 4.79 kg(meni), 4.17 (varnishes). To reorder point is 13.41 kg (meni), 11.68 kg(varnishes) and safety stock of 3.83 kg (meni), 3.34 (varnish)