摘要:In scientific writing, the author describes how the relationship of education andtraining programs in an effort to increase sales at PT. The purpose of the Bogorbranch FIF holding of this research as one of the requirements to reach a degreeequivalent to a Bachelor of Economics, University of Gunadarma. While theholding of this research is to determine the role of education and trainingprograms for employees of the level of sales. Bogor Branch FIF sertauntukcompany knows employee education and training system Object The authors areinvestigated by the company PT. Federal Finance Interenational Bogor branchengaged in motorcycle sales and financing, especially for Honda motorcycles,which are in commercial, new Pajajaran No. 28 F Jl. Pajajaran Kingdom, Bantarteak, Bogor at. FIF implementation of employee and staff training is intended asa ladder for promotion to higher office. From this goal the company hasindirectly emphasized to employees and staff to always follow and implementall training programs in order to improve the quality and skills and the skills ofemployees and staff writer From the calculation was obtained r = 0937 meansthat the calculation of correlation coefficient obtained a positive linearrelationship, ie the greater the value of the variable x (independent), the greaterthe value of the variable y (dependent) or the smaller the variable x then thelesser value of the variable y, the next steps to be a writer is finding thecoefficient of determination was obtained value of kd = 81.5% Value The meansof variables of education and workforce training affect sales at PT.FIF amountedto 81.5% and the balance of 18.5% was influenced by other factors, meaningtraining is not one - the only factor affecting the quality of work but many moreare affected by other factors besides training, such as the discipline of work andother external factors