摘要:The development of the business world in particular super market grew rapidlyalong with the progress and changes over time to meet the demand for and willpcrmintaan bertambali human needs. Mai mi mcnyebabkan emergence ofcompetition for the business world didalarn rnenghadapi tents competitorschange, kernajuan tcknologi, trade policy and the decline in customer loyaltysangal conducts rigorous market competition and with the changes anddevelopments raelihat consumers who happen. then the company is bagairnanaLitania task to maintain the loyalty and customer satisfaction with mernenuhitheir needs well. Objective and scientific writing is to study the responsenoodles and product tcrhadap langgapan konsurnen satisfaction. Because itAlfamart Branch Raya Foundations need to maintain and enhance prduk,services, and facilities were available previously.