摘要:Key Words : CREDIT, SALES SYSTEM, CUSTOMERABSTRACT :Sale is the ultimate goal of the company's activities in achieving the main goalsof the company. In order to achieve higher sales and win the competition amongcompanies that increasingly stringent, it would require the sale of policies thatcan attract consumers to the product produced by one company provideconvenience to consumers by way of providing credit sales policy .. Thepurpose of the Job Training Report writing is to study the system of credit salesat PT. Donaldson Filtration Indonesia by way of studying the procedures usedwhether or not effective enough for survival. Job Training Report Writing Thisis done by direct practical work at PT. Donaldson Filtration Indonesia. DuringWork Practice,the writer learned about the procedure on the company's creditsales are starting from Sales Order procedures, credit approval procedures,procedures for the Warehouse, Shipping procedures, procedures and proceduresfor the Financial Accounting section. The results obtained from the observationsthe conclusion that the system of credit sales at PT. Donaldson FiltrationIndonesia has gone well, in every part of the company has been carrying outduties and powers in accordance with the position held that the risk of fraud canbe avoided. Overall, the company has implemented a system with good creditsales so as not to disappoint customers.