摘要:Customer satisfaction to the level of service quality of a bank is an unbeatableadvantage. Satisfaction will occur when consumers show a strong loyal attitude.In terms of practicality, the definition of behavior-based loyalty is veryinteresting because record sales and profits achieved only if consumers makereal action, which is to buy or use of our products are. Data or variables used arethe primary data where the data is retrieved based on a questionnaire study thatdirectly to consumers. Where is composed of 80 respondents and 16 questionsfrom 5 dimensions of reliability, responsibility, assurance, emphaty, andtangible. Analysis tools used are Likert scale, and chi square test. Chi Squarecalculation results table is 114.991327. then Ho is rejected, which means that Hareceived satisfied customers of the quality of service provided by Bank Mandiri.