摘要:Keywords: Utilization of online blogs, Small and Medium Business, Level InternetAdoption, Organizational Innovation, Communication.ABSTRACTThis study aims to show the existence of differences in perception and behavior ofowners of SMEs in Internet usage between before and after use of the Internet,especially blogs as one means of online sales for their business., based on theresults of previous studies revealed that SMEs as a group are still limited in theuse of information technology. The research method used to measure level areself-reported adoption of three adoption groups, namely (1) non adopters (nonadopter),(2) potential adopters (potential adopters), and (3) adopter (adopter).Based on observations of 10 respondents concluded that the existing level ofInternet adoption (adopters and potential adopters) before and after use of theInternet, and Internet adoption provide good impact to the owners of SMEsbecause they think the internet adoption is very effective for the continuity oftheir business. Moreover, it can be concluded also that of the eleven variablesrelated to the adoption of the internet, there are seven variables that influence, theCompany Performance, Communication Intensity, Internet-Self Efficacy, SocialInfluence, Internet Utilization, Organizational Innovation, Actual Intensityutilizationand the four variables others do not affect, the variable is JobExpectation, Attitude toward the Internet, Internet Anxiety, Facility Support.