摘要:This study aims to determine the extent to which leadership style and motivationinfluence on employee job performance in Bekasi district personnel agency.Performance variable (Y) is the result to be achieved by the employee inperforming the task. While the leadership style variables (X1) is an effort tocontrol subordinates in order to perform the job optimally. The independentvariable of work motivation (X2) showed the presence impetus arising frominside the employees to perform certain activities. From the results ofcorrelation analysis found that the correlation between leadership style andmotivation influence performance with multiple correlation value of R = 0.6027and the frequency distribution of 16.216. Based on the results obtained byregression analysis was Y = - 15.42 0.651 X1 0.905 X2. Thus, leadershipstyle and work motivation has a positive and significant impact on jobperformance in Bekasi district personnel agency.