摘要:The problems of this research are: How are Indonesian verbs translated intoEnglish?, and What are the markers of the Indonesian and the English verbs?.The aims of this research are to contrast the Indonesian verbs to the Englishtranslated verbs from Indonesian, and to describe the markers of the Indonesianverbs and the English translated verbs from Indonesian. This research uses twonovels and its translation as the source of data. In this case, Pramoedya AnantaToers novel Gadis Pantai as the source of data (SL) and its Englishtranslation (TL) The Girl from the Coast by Willem Samuels. This researchuses a qualitative descriptive method. It means that all the data that are analyze,are in the form of sentences and words, not in the form of numbers (Aminudin,1990:16). The findings of this research are by contrastive linguistic approach,the Indonesian verbs which are translated into English verbs are changedbecause of their markers. And the second is this research covered three maincategories of verb markers are: The Morphological Category is divided into SLVerbal Inflectional Prefix is translated into TL Verbal Inflectional Suffix, SLVerbal Inflectional Prefix is translated into TL Simple Past, SL VerbalInflectional Suffix is translated into TL Verbal Inflectional Suffix, SL InfinitiveVerb is translated into TL Simple Past, SL Verbal Inflectional Confix istranslated into TL Verbal Inflectional Suffix. The Syntactic Category is dividedinto SL Modal Verb is translated into TL Modal Verb, SL Modal Verb istranslated into TL Auxiliary Verb, SL Modal Verb is translated into TL PhrasalVerb. And the Mix Categories or SL Morphological Category is translated intoTL Syntactic Category is divided into SL Verbal Inflectional Prefix is translatedinto TL To Infinitive Verb, SL Verbal Inflectional Prefix is translated into TLPhrasal Verb, SL Infinitive Verb is translated into TL Phrasal Verb, SL VerbalInflectional Confix is translated into TL Phrasal Verb. The result shows that theMorphological category with the percentage of 50% occurs more than theSyntactic category with the percentage of 22% and the Mix categories with the