摘要:In the Louisa May Alcotts novels; Little Women, and An Old-Fashioned Girl,there are found many values particularly in moral values because those novelsshow view of life; concern with moral issues and effort to increase the livingthat is clearly reflected through the main characters. In those novels, character isthe one of that makes the story interesting. This research uses qualitative methodas the research methods. The data is in the form of quotations and sentencesrelated to the problem. The source of data is the Louisa May Alcotts novelsLittle Women, and An Old-fashioned Girl The result of this research showsthat there are individual morality and social morality in those novels, which arereflected through the main characters beliefs or attitudes. The significantmorality characteristics in those novels are: Being honest, independent, caring,sacrificial and reliable for their family and friend because the main characterswanted to do anything to help and provide them. It is showed in the maincharacter of Little Women, who became the main object of analysis, proved thatwomen can develop and reach her dream by her own effort. She did not want todepend on men and her family; she tried to earn her own living to help andprovide herself and the family. However, the other main character of AnOld-fashioned Girl, showed through all her changes, caring, faithful, helpful,and as cheerful as she could be, when her friends were in the trouble. Thesestories gave us valuable lessons in life mainly in our knowledge of moral valueitself. These books should have an honoured place in any libraries. Keyword : MORAL, NOVEL