摘要:ABSTRACT :In this era globalization English is become one of the important languages in theworld. It is an international language and people all over the world study thislanguage. English also becomes important language in Indonesia. To speakEnglish fluently, we need to learn English in our early childhood. Because ofall those reasons the writer interested in electing this title. The aim of thisresearch are; to know the English teaching methods used at BaiturrahmanKindergarten Kalideres and how the English teaching methods are applied. Themethod of this research used field research. The field research consists ofobservation, data collection and data analysis. The writer use two kinds ofmethods, which are field research (observation and interview with theheadmaster and the teachers at Baiturrahman Kindergarten) and library research(search and read the books and resourches to get more specific data). Themethods of teaching English that applied at Baiturrahman Kindergarten aredirect method or natural approach, total physical response method, andcommunicative method. The application of the direct method, the children willabsorb the material easily by studying English orally and they will do what theteacher did. In total physical response method, the children do a lot of listeningbefore they learn to speak and they do a lot of physical activities in learningEnglish, such as reaching, moving, and grabbing. By using communicativemethod, the teacher make the communicative competence the goal of languageteaching. The application of communicative method with the games. Withthose methods are available to used and the children will be easier to learningEnglish.