摘要:The Problems of this research are what kinds of affixes mark the noun wordclass and what kinds of affixes transpose other word classes into noun? Theseare the first time that the researcher found in this research. The aims are todescribe the affixes which mark the noun word classes and to describe theaffixes which transpose other word class into nouns. This research uses aqualitative descriptive method, because all of the data that are analyzed in thisresearch are in the form of words and sentences not numbers, besides thisresearch is also a descriptive research, because it involves the colleting data inorder to answer research question concerning the current status of the subject ofthe study. This research used an instrument of the research for determiningwhich word belongs to word class a noun, verbs, or adjective Based on theresult, the researcher tries to find that inflectional affixes (prefix and suffixes)are the marker of nouns. And there are two transpositions in nouns; they are thetransposition of verb into noun word class and the transposition of adjective intonouns word class