摘要:keyword: TRANSLATION, STUDY, THE QUUEN OF DEATHABSTRACT :The translation of The Queen of Death taken from novel The Queen of Deathby John Milne is an interesting novel to read. The novel of The Queen of Deathtells about Dr.John Farrow (the archeologist) is finding the secret tomb ofQueen Axtarte. When Farrow mysteriously disappears, Chief InspectorSalahadin suspects a gang of smugglers are involved. But he also worried. Hehas read the words of Queen Axtartes curse: anyone who enters my tomb anyone who steals from my tomb anyone who touches my body that personwill die terrible death. And many more will die with him. This study aims tofind out problems in translating English into Indonesian. The writer intends tofind out words, phrases, idioms that may be difficult to translate. The problemsfaced by the writer are long sentences, a word which has more than onemeaning and a word cannot be translated. The writer used free translation tosolve these problems by considering the main topic and the sense of message.