摘要:This study wants to find out how EnglishImplicit Organizational Meaning ofSubstitution words are translated intoIndonesian. The object of the analysis issentences which contain implicit meaningsubstitution words in John Grisham’s TheBrethren and its Indonesian Version “TheBrethren Majelis“ which is translated byDiniarti Pandia. The writer wants to findout how English implicit organizationalmeaning of Substitution words aretranslated into Indonesian In this study, thewriter conducted a qualitative research asthere is a description of data from thesource as well as from the product of thetranslation of implicit meaning in thenovel. Implicit organizational meaning ofsubstitution words can be translatedimplicitly or explicitly. A sentence whichis translated explicitly as the translatorwants to get a clear and understandablemeaning. A sentence which is translatedimplicitly as the translator wants to avoidredundancy. Contextually, it can beunderstood in the previous sentence or thepreceding sentence (Anaphorically orCataphorically)