摘要:Keyword : PSYCHOLOGICAL, SINGLE PARENT, EFFECTS. NOVELSABSTRACT :Separation causes the deep effect to the family member, especially parent andchildren. The separation process leads to inevitable changes in children. Thesechanges may be felt as losses and thus be stressful. Therefore, the writer focusedon analyzed the character of single parent that influenced the children inNicholas Sparkss novels. The problem of this research are what are thecharacters of Miles and Adrienne as single parent in Nicholas Sparkss novels,what effects that given by single parenting to the children, and the last is whatare the similarities and the differences between Miles and Adrienne as singleparent. The aims of the research are to describe the characters of Miles andAdrienne, to describe the effect of single parenting to the children, and todescribe the similarities and differences between each of single parent in raisingtheir children. The method that used in this research are qualitative andcomparative method. By using qualitative method the writer analyzed quotationand describing single parent character. The writer also uses comparative methodto explain the differences and similarities among two Nicholas Sparkss novels.The result of the study shows that the character of Miles Ryan and AdrienneWillis in Nicholas Sparks have the similarities behavior after separation and thedifferences in rearing their children. Both of Miles and Adrienne character alsoaffected their children in social, intellectual, and general development