摘要:The aim of this study is to illustrate the psychological truth in Sheila from herdestructiveness and her recovery. In this thesis the writer analyzes theillustration of Sheilas destructiveness by analyzing the psychological problemof the main effects and character, causes, and her treatment. Dialogue orstatement of problem analyses is fulfilled by setting and plot. Setting and plotmake the illustration more real to be imagined. In this study, the writer uses aqualitative research or the library research to show and know about Sheilas life.The use of this for developmental psychology or child psychology as anapproach to analyze the novel. The writer takes the data from dialog, character,setting, plot, and what Sheilas doing as character until she can recover from herillness. The writer compares psychology and literature to analyze the novel ofTorey Hayden. The writer found the psychological truth in authors text. Fromthe text, Sheila is described as a girl that has bad environment of family. She istoo young to get a broken family. This situation makes Sheila survive with herway and wise to accept her life. The author as psychologist has healed Sheilafrom her mental illness whether she takes a long time to comprehend Sheilascharacter. The writer concludes that children need health care, mental care,education care from parents. If the three categories are not completed, it willimpact child as an abnormal child and in this case she was a destructed.