摘要:In this scientific research, the writer wants to find out the mastery level thestudents in understanding of passive voice at SMA N 19 Jakarta. The passivevoice is one of English Grammar which enough difficult to understand it. Thewriter gave the questionnaires in the form of test to 30 students in the thirdgrade of SMAN 19 and all the students became the samples of this research.The average score determined the mastery level of the students in percentage,whether it was excellent, good, fair or poor.The result of error analysis showsthat many students do not understand yet about passive voice and do notunderstand kinds of tenses which based in using passive voice. They also stillconfused in changing active into passive form that they have learnt it in JuniorHigh School. The master of understanding passive voice of the third grade isproved based on the test is done by the students, their scores is 10% at goodlevel, 10 % at fair level and 80% at poor level. The writer uses a measure fromTropper to get average score (mean) . An Introduction to Statistics for theBehavioral Science, 1998:18-19. The average score determines the levels ofunderstanding ability in understanding passive voice of the third grade ofSMAN 19 Jakarta. The mastery level of understanding passive voice of the thirdgrade of SMA N 19 Jakarta is failing or unsatisfactory, 41, 33%.